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When it comes to our teeth, most of us want to chew anything we want and to look great. Unfortunately, as we get older, we can lose a tooth.

So how can you replace missing teeth? Many people are choosing to get dental implants JP Dental Office can help you with that.

Dental implants replace the whole tooth, including the root. A small titanium post is put into your jawbone during a simple surgery. You only need local anesthesia for this.

It takes a few months for the implant to bond with your jawbone. We then add a custom-made tooth that matches your other teeth.

Need more than one tooth replaced? Not a problem. Implants can do a lot. One implant can hold up to 3 crowns. Dentists have even found ways to replace all your teeth with just 4-6 implants.

Sometimes, you can get temporary teeth right away. You can't chew on them until the implants heal, but you won't have to go without teeth.

Taking care of implants is pretty easy. If you brush them well and see the dentist regularly, they can last for many years.

Want to learn more? Come in for a visit or call us, and we'll talk about it.

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